WATS - translation to spanish
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WATS - translation to spanish

WATS (disambiguation)

wide ara telephone service
(n.) = agua
Ex: We are thus concerned with a virtually limitless number of concepts - building, book, reading, colour, sea, water, summer, England, 1066 AD - any concepts you like.
* a drop of water in a bucket = un grano de arena en el desierto
* backwater = anticuado, atrasado, agua estancada, lugar atrasado
* bail + water = achicar agua
* bale out + water = achicar agua
* body of water = caudal de agua o superficie acuática
* boiling water = agua hirviendo
* boil + water = hervir agua
* bottled water = agua en botella, agua embotellada
* breakwater = espigón, rompeolas
* cast your bread upon the waters = haz el bien y no mires a quién
* chart + the waters = servir de experiencia
* conserve + water = conservar agua
* cut off + the water = cortar el agua
* dilute with + water = diluir con agua
* dip + Posesivo + toes into these waters = probar Algo
* distilled water = agua destilada
* drinking water = agua potable
* floodwater [flood water] = inundación, anegación, riada, avalancha, crecida
* foul water = aguas sucias
* freshwater [fresh water] = agua dulce
* groundwater = agua subterránea
* headwaters = cabecera
* high-water mark = nivel máximo del agua, nivel máximo, valor máximo
* hold + water = hacer agua, ser coherente, ser consistente, tenerse en pie
* holy water = agua bendita
* holy water font = pila del agua bendita
* home waters = aguas territoriales
* hot water = agua caliente
* ice water = agua helada
* in deep water = con el agua hasta el cuello, en apuros, en una situación muy problemática
* in hot water = con problemas, en apuros, con el agua al cuello
* international waters = aguas internacionales
* irrigation water = agua de riego
* jurisdictional waters = aguas jurisdiccionales
* keep + Posesivo + head above the water = mantenerse a flote
* like a fish out of water = como pez fuera del agua
* like oil and water = mundos aparte, polos opuestos, como la noche y el día, como el día y la noche
* lose + water = perder agua, dar agua
* low-water mark = nivel mínimo del agua, nivel mínimo, valor mínimo
* make + Posesivo + mouth water = hacerse la boca agua
* mineral water = agua mineral
* muddy + the waters = enredar las cosas, enmarañar las cosas
* muddy waters = aguas turbias, situación confusa
* open water = mar abierto
* polar waters = aguas polares
* purified water = agua purificada, agua limpia de impurezas
* rain water = agua de lluvia
* raw waste water = aguas residuales sin tratar
* render + water-repellent = hacer hidrófugo, hacer impermeable
* running water = agua corriente
* salt water = agua salada, agua salobre
* sea-water [seawater] = agua del mar, agua marina
* shallow water = agua poco profunda
* spring water = agua de manantial, agua mineral
* stagnant water = agua estancada
* take to + Nombre + like ducks to water = sentirse como pez en el agua
* tap water = agua del grifo
* temperate waters = aguas templadas
* territorial waters = aguas territoriales, aguas jurisdiccionales, aguas territoriales
* test + the water = tantear el terreno
* throw + the baby out with the bath water = pagar justos por pecadores, tomar medidas demasiado drásticas
* tread + water = no avanzar
* turbulent waters = aguas turbulentas, aguas bravas, aguas rápidas, turbulencia, confusión, desorden
* uncharted waters = territorio desconocido, terreno desconocido, tierra virgen
* underwater = submarino, bajo agua, sumergido
* waste water [wastewater] = aguas residuales, aguas negras
* water absorption = absorción del agua
* water animal = animal acuático
* water authority = compañía suministradora de agua
* water-based = de agua, al agua
* waterbed [water bed] = cama de agua, colchón de agua
* water bird = ave acuática
* water board = compañía suministradora de agua
* water board engineer = empleado de la compañía suministradora de agua
* water body [waterbody] = curso de agua, corriente de agua
* waterborne = transportado por el agua, transmitido por el agua
* water chlorination = cloración del agua
* water circulation system = sistema de circulación del agua
* watercolour [watercolor, -USA] = acuarela
* water-coloured [water-colored, -USA] = a la acuarela
* water company = compañía suministradora de agua
* water damage = daño causado por el agua
* water detector = detector de agua
* water diviner = zahorí
* waterfall = catarata, cascada, salto de agua
* water fountain = fuente, fuente para beber, fuente de agua
* waterfowl = aves acuáticas
* water-fugitive = que el agua disuelve
* water garden = jardín acuático
* water heater = calentador de agua
* water leak = escape de agua, fuga de agua
* water leakage = escape de agua, fuga de agua
* water level = nivel del agua
* water lily [waterlily] = nenúfar, ninfea, lirio acuático
* waterlogging = inundación, encharcamiento
* water management = gestión de aguas, gestión de recursos hidráulicos
* watermelon = sandía
* water meter = contador del agua
* water park = parque acuático
* water pipe = tubería
* water pollution = contaminación del agua
* water-powered = impulsado por el agua
* waterproof = impermeable, sumergible
* waterproofing = impermeabilización
* water pump = bomba de agua
* water-related = causado por el agua
* water-repellent = impermeable, hindrófugo
* water reservoir = embalse, pantano
* water resistant = resistente al agua
* water resource management = gestión de recursos acuíferos
* water resources = recursos hidrográficos, recursos acuíferos
* water restrictions = restricciones de agua
* water's edge = orilla del agua
* watershed = punto clave, momento decisivo, momento clave, hito
* water shortage = escasez de agua, falta de agua
* waterside = ribera, orilla
* water ski = esquí acuático
* water skiing = esquí acuático
* water slide = tobogán
* water-soaked = empapado
* water sport = deporte acuático
* waterspout = tromba, tromba de agua, canalón
* water sprinkler fire extinguishing system = sistema de extinción de incendios mediante rociadores de agua
* water sprinkler system = sistema de rociadores de agua
* water supply = abastecimiento de agua
* water table = nivel freático
* watertight = infalible, irrebatible, hermético, estanco
* water tower = depósito de agua elevado, cisterna elevada, aljibe elevado
* water treatment = tratamiento del agua
* water trough = abrevadero
* water valve = llave de paso del agua
* water vapour = vapor de agua
* waterways = vía fluvial, canales y ríos navegables
* water wheel [waterwheel] = noria, azud, rueda hidráulica
* waterworks = sistema de abastecimiento de agua
* whitewater = aguas bravas, aguas rápidas, turbulencia
  • Traditional irrigation channel]] in Switzerland, collecting water from the high Alps
  • A small center pivot system from beginning to end
  • [[Center pivot irrigation]]
  • Crop sprinklers near [[Rio Vista, California]], US
  • Animal-powered irrigation, Upper Egypt, ca. 1846
  • Drip irrigation – a dripper in action
  • An [[impact sprinkler]] watering a lawn, an example of a hose-end sprinkler
  • Basin [[flood irrigation]] of [[wheat]]
  • Rotator style pivot applicator sprinkler
  • Center pivot with drop sprinklers
  • Comilla]], [[Bangladesh]].
  • Residential flood irrigation in Phoenix, Arizona, US
  • Mughal]] irrigation system in 1847 during the reign of the [[Mughal Emperor]] [[Bahadur Shah II]] in Indian subcontinent
  • Share of agricultural land which is irrigated (2015)
  • A traveling sprinkler at Millets Farm Centre, [[Oxfordshire]], United Kingdom
  • karez]] tunnel at [[Turpan]], [[Xinjiang]], China
  • Grapes in [[Petrolina]], Brazil only made possible in this [[semi arid]] area by [[drip irrigation]]
  • Wheel line irrigation system in [[Idaho]], US, 2001
  • Overirrigation because of poor distribution uniformity in the furrows. Potato plants were oppressed and turned yellow
Irrigation system; Irrigated land; Irrigated agriculture; Irrigated; Irrigate; Irrigation (agriculture); Irrigation Valves; Garden irrigation; Irrigation systems; Irrigating; Irrigation and Drainage; Irrigation and drainage; Watering; Plant watering system; Plant water system; Land irrigation; Basic irrigation; Irrigation trench; Crop watering; Irrigation scheme; Watering of land; Hydraulic agriculture; Minor irrigation; History of irrigation; Agricultural irrigation; Irrigation channels; Crop irrigation
* mouth-watering = apetitoso, gustoso, suculento, delicioso, que hace la boca agua
* watering hole = abrevadero
* watering trough = abrevadero


Wide Area Telephone Service



WATS may refer to:

  • Wide Area Telephone Service, a phone service for U.S. telecommunications
  • Wide Area Tracking System, a system for detecting ground-based nuclear weapons
  • We Are the Strange, a 2007 independent animated film
  • WATS (AM), a radio station (960 AM) licensed to Sayre, Pennsylvania, United States
  • Workshop for Armenian/Turkish Scholarship, a group of scholars exploring the Armenian Genocide
Examples of use of WATS
1. Eventually, Baker was told the caller was from Western Wats.
2. India is Wats‘ second–to–top pick behind Thailand, which wins out on lower valuations and energy reform.
3. Ed Goeas, chief of the Tarrance Group, said there is no connection between the Giuliani campaign and Western Wats. I know absolutely it‘s not us,‘‘ Goeas said. I can say with absolute, no, it‘s not us.‘‘ Western Wats also worked for Bob Dole‘s presidential campaign in 1''6.
4. Last year, Western Wats conducted polling that was intended to spread negative messages about Democratic candidates in a House race in New York and a Senate race in Florida, according to reports in The Tampa Tribune and the Albany Times Union, which also said Western Wats conducted the calls on behalf of the Tarrance Group.
5. A spokesman for the company would not comment on whether it made the calls. Western Wats has never, currently does not, nor will it ever engage in push polling,‘‘ its client services director, Robert Maccabee, said in a statement released Thursday night.